Clouds of Witness артикул 13476c.
Clouds of Witness артикул 13476c.

The Duke of Denver, accused of murder, stands trial for his life in the House of Lords Naturally, his brother Lord Peter Wimsey is investigating the crime This is a family affair: Lord Peter's sister was engaged to marry the dead man, and the murder took place at the duke's shooting lodge But why does the duke refuse to co-operate with the investigation? ожбкй Can he really be guilty, or is he covering up for someone? The truth will not be uncovered until Wimsey himself is attacked, first on the lonely Yorkshire moors and then in a busy Soho street Формат: 11 см x 18 см Автор Дороти Ли Сейерс Dorothy Leigh Sayers Родилась в Оксфорде, В 1915 г в числе первых студенток (прежде в Оксфорде учились только мужчины)окончила Оксфордский университет со степенью бакалавра В 1923 году опубликовала свое первое крупное произведение - роман "Чье тело?", в котором перед.  Яркий 8-тоновыйИздательства: New English Library, Hodder & Stoughton, 1988 г Мягкая обложка, 288 стр ISBN 0 450 00180 6, 0-450-00180-6 Язык: Английский.