The Economics of Price Discrimination артикул 13513c.
The Economics of Price Discrimination артикул 13513c.

This book offers a theoretical and unified explanation of how prices are determined in practice Pricing, as observed in real life, turns out to be almost discriminatory Four broad areas are covered: the spatial pricing of bulky products (Part I); the intertemporal pricing of storable goods, exhaustible resources, new durables, and nonstorable ожбня goods and services (Part II); two-part tariffs, commodity bundling, tie-ins, and nonlinear prices in general (Part III); and pricing of goods of different quality(Part IV) Each essay contains an introductory chapter describing the business practices that are to be rationalized and evaluated This is the first unified treatment of a recent and growing body of literature in the 'new industrial organization' field It fills the gap between textbook microeconomics and real-life antitrust cases The treatment is as nontechnical and down to earth as possible to permit a wide audience for this comprehensive discussion of industrial pricing.  ISBN 0521283949.

Полюби дважды артикул 13515c.
Полюби дважды артикул 13515c.

Переводчики: А Синяков А Алексеев Несчастный случай лишил Джессику Хэйворд памяти Три года она провела в монастыре, прежде чем узнала, кто она такая Девушка возвращается домой, ожбог но ее продолжают окружать все новые тайны Пытаясь выяснить правду об убийстве своего отца, Джессика оказывается втянута в опасную интригу Она не может никому верить, даже своему прежнему возлюбленному, в которого вновь влюбляется со всей пылкостью своей страстной натуры Именно его она подозревает в убийстве вот только сердце отказывается этому верить И ещеона чувствует - убийца готов нанести новый удар Автор Элизабет Торнтон Elizabeth Thornton.  Серия: Соблазны.

The Capitalist City: Global Restructuring and Community Politics артикул 13517c.
The Capitalist City: Global Restructuring and Community Politics артикул 13517c.

The world of modern capitalism is a global network both of corporations and of cities - 'world command cities' such as New York, London and Tokyo; 'specialized command cities' which concentrate on particular industries, such as Detroit; 'state command cities' such as Washington and Brasilia; and so on These cities, linked by an organizational ожбон web of transnational corporations, are the pins holding the capitalist world economy together in the new international division of labour In The Capitalist Citya group of eminent scholars analyzes the intricate relationships among cities, state policies and urban politics at a time of economic restructuring at global, national and local levels to provide an original and timely contribution to one of the most important areas of political and social science.  ISBN 0631151826.

Предвкушение счастья артикул 13519c.
Предвкушение счастья артикул 13519c.

Переводчик: А Хамидулина Отважный Брендан Джей Меррик, самый знаменитый из капитанов-каперов, презирал женщин Каково же было ему обнаружить женщину на борту своего судна! ожбоы Каково было признать, что юная дочь судостроителя Майра Эштон превосходит смелостью и мужеством самых отчаянных его матросов! Женщина на корабле - к беде Так считают моряки Однако прелестная Майра стала бедой не для корабля, но - для капитана Ибо неистовая, всепоглощающая страсть к этой девушке превратилась для него в муку Но эта же страсть открыла ему подлинный смысл жизни и подарила счастье… Автор Данелла Хармон Danelle Harmon.  Серия: Шарм Коллекция.

Captain of my Heart.
New Money, Nice Town: How Capital Works in the New Urban Economy артикул 13521c.
New Money, Nice Town: How Capital Works in the New Urban Economy артикул 13521c.

The economic restructuring that has gone on since the 1980s has produced a new economic space in which service and high tech firms are at the forefront of innovation One of the features of the new economy is what pop geographer Joel Kotkin calls "nerdistans," or smaller cities with a substantial high tech sector, limits on growth, environmentally ожбоя friendly policies and a generally well-educated population In New Money, Nice Town, Leonard Nevarez takes a close look at how "new economy" firms in "quality of life" cities interact with local political structures, finding that they are both more liberal and more detached than their traditional counterparts This new global economy has created communities whose politics are more democratic, but also more tenuous and unstable.  ISBN 0415933439.

Microeconomics: Theory & Applications, 8th Edition Update артикул 13523c.
Microeconomics: Theory & Applications, 8th Edition Update артикул 13523c.

Book DescriptionWith this new, less expensive Value Edition of Browning & Zupan’s Microeconomics: Theory & Applications, you get a rich array of everyday-life microeconomic applications and clear explanations of theoretical concepts, at one great price But that’s not all This Value Edition also features: New Excel-based tutorials ожбпг that will help you improve your grades A registration code packaged inside this text gives you access to new Excel-based tutorials These tutorials guide you through key microeconomic topics with interactive graphs and charts, integrated help boxes, and page references to the text for further review 20 new real-life applications (for a total of over 140 applications!) These applicationshelp make microeconomics interesting, relevant, and easier to understand New applications include: Why State and Local Policymakers Are Not Fond of Online and Catalog Commerce, The Economics Behind Anti-War Protests, Making Telemarketers Pay, an d more!.  2004 г ISBN 0471678716.

Мама, купи! или Как ходить с ребенком по магазинам без слез и истерик артикул 13525c.
Мама, купи! или Как ходить с ребенком по магазинам без слез и истерик артикул 13525c.

Кому из мам или пап не знакома такая картина: ребенок устраивает "показательное выступление" с криками и плачем у витрины с игрушками или прилавка со сладостями, топая ожбпи ногами и требуя: "Купи!"? Все родители пытаются как-то решить эту проблему - одни перестают брать ребенка в магазин, другие покупают все, что он попросит, не дожидаясь слез и воплей, третьи пытаются торговаться и искать компромисс А какая стратегия поведения является оптимальной? Что делать, когда сын или дочка постоянно требует: "Купи!"? Как вести себя, если ребенок устроил истерику в магазине Известный детский психолог Анна Кравцова утверждает, что за детским "Купи!" скрывается совсем другая проблема Что это за проблема, как ее решить и возможно ли заранее провести профилактику, вы узнаете, прочитав нашу книгу Автор Анна Кравцова.  Серия: Искусство быть родителем Советуют профессионалы.

Supply Chain Management with APO: Structures, Modelling Approaches and Implementation of mySAP SCM 4 1 артикул 13527c.
Supply Chain Management with APO: Structures, Modelling Approaches and Implementation of mySAP SCM 4 1 артикул 13527c.

The Advanced Planner and Optimiser (APO) is the software from SAP dedicated to supply chain management This book provides an overview about the supported SCM processes and explains how to implement APO in a company It is written from a long years' experience in implementation projects and provides project managers and team members with the necessary ожбпл know-how for a successful implementation project The focus of the book is on introducing modelling approaches and explaining the structure and interdependencies of systems, modules and entities of APO based on the release mySAP SCM 4 1 Another concern is the integration with R/3, both technically and from a process point of view Since APO projects differ significantly from other SAP projects, some key issues and common mistakes concerning project management are mentioned as well 2 edition Автор Йорг Т Дикербэч Jorg T Dickersbach.  Издательство: Springer, 2005 г Твердый переплет, 502 стр ISBN 3540260293.

The Atlas of Lost Cities: Legendary Cities Rediscovered артикул 13529c.
The Atlas of Lost Cities: Legendary Cities Rediscovered артикул 13529c.

We are fascinated by the great dead cities of the past, not least because the history of their decline offers a stark warning to our increasingly urbanized existence Bringing together legend and the latest archeological research, "The Atlas of Lost Cities" probes the mysteries of the ancient city dwellers and explores the lessons to ожбпр be learnt from the collapse of cities once thought indestructible Investigating cities in terms of their physical environment, this book shows how nature shapes a city's development yet may also contain the seeds of its destruction While rising sea levels have drowned fabled ports, such as Mahabalipuram in India and Herakleion near Alexandria, it was the disappearance of the rivers that caused the Silk Road oases of Loulan and Niya to sink back into the sands The cities most often glorified in myth and legend - those ruled by powerful leaders and the great ancient spiritual sites - are also explored The imperial centres, such as Carthage and Nineveh, may have been the most magnificent of all, yet the ambitions of their rulers often led to their annihilation And even the most sacred cities of the past were not eternal as their pilgrims believed: holy places such as Angkor, Akhetaten and Ephesus all came, ultimately, to be abandoned Exhaustively researched and beautifully illustrated, "The Atlas of Lost Cities" tells the full story of the rise, fall and rediscovery of our vanished cities Иллюстрации Автор Бренда Розен Brenda Rosen.  Издательство: Godsfield, 2007 г Суперобложка, 176 стр ISBN 978-1-84181-327-1 Язык: Английский Формат: 250x290 Мелованная бумага, Цветные иллюстрации.

Microeconomics Super Review артикул 13531c.
Microeconomics Super Review артикул 13531c.

REA's Super Reviews help students brush up on tough subjects They are more thorough than ordinary subject reviews but less complex than voluminous study guides Numerous solved problems accompany the review and bring it to life The Microeconomics SuperReview includes the fundamentals of supply and demand, consumer theory, production revenue ожбпх and cost, perfect competition, the monopoly, factor prices, monopolistic competition, and oligopolies Exercises and quizzes enable students to check whether they have learned what they need to know, whether they understand the subject and have command of it.  ISBN 087891191X.

Geobiology: Objectives, Concepts, Perspectives, First Edition артикул 13533c.
Geobiology: Objectives, Concepts, Perspectives, First Edition артикул 13533c.

Book DescriptionGeobiology is an exciting and rapidly developing research discipline that opens new perspectives in understanding Earth as a system To determine and to exploit its possibilities, this promising scientific field will benefit from a discussion of its definition as a research discipline, its objectives, and its methodological ожбпш approaches Such a spirited discussion is the goal of the book "Geobiology: Objectives, Concepts, Perspectives" Geobiology touches various subdisciplines of geology and biology in many ways The book will serve biogeochemists, paleontologists, biomineralogists, microbiologists and many others as a forum to determine future directions of geobiological research The book includes a section on the concept of geobiological studies, which combines the parent disciplines biology and geology Several case studies describe geobiological investigations that serve to understand Earth in the present and past The case studies give an overview of the general understanding of geobiology and lead the reader towards the current hot topics in this rising scientific discipline * New definition of the rising scientific discipline "geobiology" * Overview into the broad spectrum of geobiological topics * Insight into hot topics of current geobiological research.  2005 г ISBN 0444520198.

Инквизитор: Колодец и маятник артикул 13535c.
Инквизитор: Колодец и маятник артикул 13535c.

От издателя Винсент Прайс ("Властелин мира", "Три мушкетера"), Джон Керр ("Юг Тихого океана") и Барбара Стил ("8 S") в мистическом фильме ужасов "Инквизитор: Колодец ожбрв и маятник" 1546 год Мистер Фрэнсис Барнерд узнав о смерти своей сестры Элизабет, приезжает в поместье её супруга Дона Медино, чтобы проститься с усопшей Вдовец не раскрывает ему причину смерти, но Барнерд настойчив, и решает узнать истину В итоге ему становится ясно, что погубил сестру страх Во всем виновато проклятье рода ее мужа Его отец был инквизитором и в подвале замка существует тайная комната для пыток, в стенах которой неожиданно и умерла молодая женщина Через несколько дней после ее смерти, появился призрак, блуждающий по коридорам замка и наводящий ужас на всю семью "Возможно, какая-то женщина была погребена заживо" - медленно сходя с ума думает убитый горем хозяин замка Позже выяснится, что история с приведением инсценирована братом владельца замка и его сестрой, с целью завладеть поместьем Но их планам не суждено осуществится Сын инквизитора - Дон Медино опередит любовников и камера пыток примет новых гостей Режиссер: Роджер Корман Продюсер: Роджер Корман Творческий коллектив По роману Эдгара Аллена По Режиссер Роджер Корман Roger Corman Роджер Уильям Корман родился 5 апреля 1926 года в Лос - Анджелесе (штат Калифорния, США) В 1947 году окончил Стэнфордский университет с дипломом инженера, учился в Бэллиол - колледже в Оксфорде Карьеру в кино он начинал курьером на студии `20 - й Актеры (показать всех актеров) Винсент Прайс Vincent Price Джон Керр John Kerr Барбара Стил Barbara Steele.  Серия: Шедевры Мирового Киноискусства.

The Pit and the Pendulum.
Кузен Марк артикул 13537c.
Кузен Марк артикул 13537c.

Переводчик: П Рубцов Баронет сэр Хью Триэрн включил в завещание условие: Дамарис, его внучка-сирота, должна выйти замуж за кузена Марка, тогда она станет владелицей поместья, ожбрк а ее муж унаследует титул Безгранично веря баронету, Дамарис заранее согласна с любым его решением,а вот для Марка это оказалось неожиданностью Автор Элизабет Эштон Elizabeth Ashton.  Серия: Цветы любви.

Economics At the Wheel: the Costs of Cars and Drivers артикул 13539c.
Economics At the Wheel: the Costs of Cars and Drivers артикул 13539c.

Economics at the Wheel is about cars and driving, and all the problems that cars and drivers create for America It explains actual government policy intended to reduce the damage cars and drivers do to us, and it explains why these government policies are almost all failures because they attack the wrong problem or attack it in the wrong way The reader ожбрс will come away with a much fuller understanding of air pollution, global warming, highway safety, auto insurance, gasoline taxation, rush-hour congestion, leaking underground storage tanks, and many other auto-related issues Key Features * Presents continuous application to real policy issues of introductory microeconomic theory * Looks at common actions and circumstances from an economics perspective * Readable with accessible prose style and few footnotes * Includes questions to provoke student thinking and boxed sections of side materials to stimulate discussions * Maintains a breezy style; begun as class note, the authorhas tried to keep the book as near the give-and-take of a small class as possible * Makes the immense technical economic literature on automobiles accessible to undergraduates with a minimum of formal theory, math, and graph abilities.  ISBN 0125623615.

Business Cycles: Theory and Evidence артикул 13541c.
Business Cycles: Theory and Evidence артикул 13541c.

This textbook provides a comprehensive and up to date review of the rapidly expanding business cycle literature It covers three key strands of the theory which have dominated recent literature in the subject: equilibrium (monetary and real) business cycles, nonlinear business, cycle models and political business cycle theories Business Cycles ожбръ is designed for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of macroeconomics and monetary theory and policy and academic economists wishing to keep abreast of the substantial recent developments in this field Авторы Энди Муллинэукс Andy Mullineux Дэвид Г Дикинсон David G Dickinson Веншенг Пенг Wensheng Peng.  Издательство: Wiley-Blackwell, 1993 г Мягкая обложка, 176 стр ISBN 0631185674.

Macroeconomics The Easy Way (Easy Way Series) артикул 13543c.
Macroeconomics The Easy Way (Easy Way Series) артикул 13543c.

The newest addition to Barron's extensive Easy Way series covers the fundamentals of macroeconomics, explaining topics that include creation of capital, gross domestic product and gross national product, aggregate supply and demand, government spnding, taxation, the money supply, inflation and recession cycles, and all other important ожбсв macroeconomic concepts Practice and review questions with answers are presented throughout the text This book makes an ideal supplementary text for classroom use n business courses, as well as an excellent self-teaching manual for students preparing for exams on a college-101 level.  2007 г Мягкая обложка, 352 стр ISBN 0764132377.

Настоящее сокровище артикул 13545c.
Настоящее сокровище артикул 13545c.

Переводчик: Г Веснин Первая же книга Сюзанны Симонс завоевала миллионы сердец всех истинных поклонниц жанра любовного романа Писательница легко и изящно сочетает напряженную ожбсй интригу и подлинную романтику, чувства и чувственность, экзотику и очарование достоверности… Они встретились случайно - американская красавица из высшего света и легкомысленный шотландский авантюрист Самая обаятельная и самая необычная пара искателей сокровищ, какую можно только вообразить Они отправляются навстречу опасностям и приключениям, еще не осознавая, что уже обладают настоящим сокровищем - любовью Любовью чувственной и чистой, страстной и всепоглощающей… Автор Сьюзен Симмонс Suzanne Simmons.  Серия: Обольщение.

Getting Rich : America's New Rich and How They Got That Way артикул 13547c.
Getting Rich : America's New Rich and How They Got That Way артикул 13547c.

Book DescriptionAlthough the basic facts about wealth inequality are no longer a mystery, we still know very little about who the wealthy are, how they got there, and what prevents other people from becoming rich That is, we know very little about the process of wealth mobility This book investigates some of the most basic questions about wealth ожбсм mobility The advantages of owning wealth and the elusive nature of true wealth have long made questions about the wealthy broadly appealing In recent years, that interest has been amplified by dramatic economic changes and rising wealth inequality.  2005 г ISBN 0521536677.

Incomes and the Welfare State: Essays on Britain and Europe артикул 13549c.
Incomes and the Welfare State: Essays on Britain and Europe артикул 13549c.

The Welfare State in the 1990s is the subject of intense debate by economists, sociologists and political scientists Professor Atkinson begins by setting the argument in the context of inequality and poverty in Europe The role of the existing Welfare State is then described, especially retirement pensions and unemployment benefits Finally, ожбст he suggests ways by which social security may be reformed The case for targeting, a basic income and the Social Chapter are discussed as they apply to British policy in a European context.  ISBN 0521557968.

Generational Policy (Cairoli Lecture Series) артикул 13551c.
Generational Policy (Cairoli Lecture Series) артикул 13551c.

In these eight 2002 Cairoli Lectures, presented at the Universidad Torcuato di Tella in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Laurence Kotlikoff shows how generational policy works, how it is measured, and how much it matters Kotlikoff discusses the incidence and measurement of generational policy, the relationship of generational policy to monetary ожбсц policy, and the vacuity of deficits, taxes, and transfer payments as economic measures of fiscal policy Kotlikoff also illustrates generational policy's general equilibrium effects with a dynamic life-cycle simulation model and reviews the empirical evidence testing intergenerational altruism and risk sharing The lectures were delivered as Argentina faced a devastating depression triggered, in large part, by unsustainable generational policy Throughout the book, Kotlikoff connects his messages about generational policy to the Argentine situation and the Argentine government's policy mistakes.  ISBN 0262112833.

Непокорная невеста артикул 13553c.
Непокорная невеста артикул 13553c.

Переводчики: Ю Алакин Е Ламанова Мэгги была на вершине счастья, когда Кевин наконец сделал ей предложение Они стали жить вместе, наслаждаясь общением друг с другом Но неожиданно ожбсш в их доме оказалась непрошеная гостья - их общая подруга Эйлин И Мэгги потеряла покой Она чувствовала, чтоКевин неспроста разрешил Эйлин поселиться у них, и поняла, что между ними существует какая - то связь И вот однажды Мэгги чуть не стала жертвой покушения… Автор Энн Хэмпсон Ann Hampson.  Серия: Цветы любви.

Principles of Macroeconomics with ActiveEcon CD (6th Edition) артикул 13555c.
Principles of Macroeconomics with ActiveEcon CD (6th Edition) артикул 13555c.

Written by two highly respected economists and educators, the book uses the Stories, Graphs, and Equations approach to make economic concepts accessible and relevant to readers with various learning styles It is known for itsunified and logical structure, lively writing style, and clear explanations Chapter topics cover the scope and ожбсю method of economics; scarcity and choice; demand, supply, and market equilibrium; measuring national output and national income; long-run and short-run concerns: growth, productivity, unemployment, and inflation; aggregate expenditure and equilibrium output; the government and fiscal policy; the money supply and the federal reserve system; money, the interest rate, and output: analysis and policy; aggregate demand, aggregate supply, and inflation; the labor market, unemployment, and inflation; macroeconomic issues and policy; household and firm behavior in the macroeconomy; international trade, comparative advantage, and protectionism; open economy macroeconomics: the balance of payments and exchange rates; and economic growth in developing and transitional economies For individuals who want to better understand the fundamentals of macroeconomics.  ISBN 0130746452.

The Institutional Economics of Market-Based Climate Policy, Volume 7 (Developments in Environmental Economics) артикул 13557c.
The Institutional Economics of Market-Based Climate Policy, Volume 7 (Developments in Environmental Economics) артикул 13557c.

Book DescriptionThe objective of this book is to analyze the institutional barriers to implementing market-based climate policy, as well as to provide some opportunities to overcome them The approach is that of institutional economics, with special emphasis on political transaction costs and path dependence Instead of rejecting the neoclassical ожбте approach, this book uses it where fruitful and shows when and why it is necessary to employ a new or neo-institutionalist approach The result is thatequity is considered next to efficiency, that the evolution and possible lock-in of both formal and informal climate institutions are studied, and that attention is paid to the politics and law of economic instruments for climate policy, including some new empirical analyses The research topics of this book include the set-up costs of a permit trading system, the risk that credit trading becomes locked-in, the potential legal problem of grandfathering in terms of actional subsidies under WTO law or state aid under EC law, and the changing attitudes of various European officials towards restricting the use of the Kyoto Mechanisms.  2004 г ISBN 0444515739.

Advances in Macroeconomic Theory артикул 13559c.
Advances in Macroeconomic Theory артикул 13559c.

Leading world scholars analyze a range of specific departures from general equilibrium theory which have significant implications for the macroeconomic analysis of both developed and developing economies Jacques Dreze considers uncertainty and incomplete markets and Nobel Laureate Robert Solow relates growth theory to the macroeconomic ожбтт framework Other issues examined are the implications for macro-policy of new research, including Joseph Stiglitz's warning on the misplaced zeal for financial market liberalization which partly engendered the East Asian and Russian crises.  ISBN 1403918902.

Macroeconomic Policy in Britain 1974-87 (Economic and Social Studies, No 36) артикул 13561c.
Macroeconomic Policy in Britain 1974-87 (Economic and Social Studies, No 36) артикул 13561c.

This book is a survey of macroeconomic policy in Britain in the 1970s and 1980s, and argues that there were important elements of continuity in the way decisions were actually taken year-by-year and month-by-month in the Treasury and the Bank of England in this period The book contains a chronological account of policy actions and their setting, ожбтщ a history of ideas, describing the most influential writings of economists in Britain during this period, a look at the influence of the world economy on Britain, and several elements of new statistical analysis.  ISBN 0521478332.

Macroeconomics + DiscoverEcon Online with Paul Solman Videos артикул 13563c.
Macroeconomics + DiscoverEcon Online with Paul Solman Videos артикул 13563c.

Book Description Macroeconomics is an integrated knowledge-building tool that is both concise and comprehensive A 240-minute DVD explains macroeconomics in entertaining, easy-to-follow fashion, while well-designed Web interfaces help you to place the material into the real world Professionals looking to learn more are shown both sides ожбув of each argument, then given the information they need to make informed choices on how macroeconomic factors impact society.  2004 г ISBN 0072982721.

New Dimensions in Regional Integration артикул 13565c.
New Dimensions in Regional Integration артикул 13565c.

The slow progress of the GATT negotiations, developing countries' experience of trade liberalization in the 1980s and recent dramatic changes in Eastern Europe have all revived interest in regional integration Papers in this volume, based on a CEPR joint conference with the World Bank, analyze why countries find regional integration more attractive ожбуп now than in the past, the circumstances under which different kinds of integration are appropriate and the conditions necessary for their success It also considers whether regionalism may serve as a stepping stone to multilateral free trade and the possible harmful long-term effects on small developing countries and free traders of the world's division into trading blocs.  ISBN 0521556686.

Macroeconomic Policies of Developed Democracies артикул 13567c.
Macroeconomic Policies of Developed Democracies артикул 13567c.

This book synthesizes and extends modern political-economic theory to explain the postwar evolution of macroeconomic policy in developed democracies The chapters study transfers, debt, and monetary/wage policy-making and outcomes, stressing that participation enhances transfer policy responsiveness to inequality and vice versa, that ожбуц policy-making veto actors retard fiscal policy adjustments, inducing greater long run debt-responses to all other political-economic stimuli, and that monetary policy's nominal and real effects depend, respectively, on the broader political-economic interest structure and on wage price bargainers' sectorial composition and coordination.  ISBN 0521004411.

A Guide to Neural Computing Applications артикул 13514c.
A Guide to Neural Computing Applications артикул 13514c.

Neural networks have shown enormous potential for commercial exploitation over the last few years but it is easy to overestimate their capabilities A few simple algorithms will learn relationships between cause and effect or organise large volumes of data into orderly and informative patterns but they cannot solve every problem and consequently ожбоа their application must be chosen carefully and appropriately In this book, the author outlines how best to make use of neural networks It will enable readers to avoid some of the obvious, and not so obvious, pitfalls which often lead to the unnecessary failure of projects It also provides advice which will help make the best use of the growing number of commercial and public domain neural network software products and frees the specialist from dependence upon external consultants This unique text enables newcomers to the technology to construct robust and meaningful non-linear models and classifiers, and benefits the more experienced practitioner who, through over-familiarity, might otherwise be inclined to jump to unwarranted conclusions It will be an invaluable resource not only for those in industry who are interested in neural computing solutions but also for final year undergraduates or graduate students who are working on neural computing projects or simply wish to familiarise themselves with the subject Формат: 16 см x 24 см Автор Lionel Tarassenko.  Издательства: Arnold, Wiley, 1998 г Твердый переплет, 160 стр ISBN 0 340 70589 2, 0 471 25550 5, 0-340-70589-2 Язык: Английский.

Comic Books: A Complete History of American артикул 13516c.
Comic Books: A Complete History of American артикул 13516c.

This book is an updated history of the American comic book by an industry insider You'll follow the development of comics from the first appearance of the comic book format in the Platinum Age of the 1930s to the creation of the superhero genre in the Golden Age, to the current period, where comics flourish as graphic novels and blockbuster movies Along ожбой the way you will meet the hustlers, hucksters, hacks, and visionaries who made the American comic book what it is today It's an exciting journey, filled with mutants, changelings, atomized scientists, gamma-ray accidents, and supernaturally empowered heroes and villains who challenge the imagination and spark the secret identities lurking within us Автор Shirrel Rhoades.  Издательство: Peter Lang Publishing, 2008 г Твердый переплет, 353 стр ISBN 1433101106, 978-1433101106 Язык: Английский.

Bond Markets, Analysis and Strategies артикул 13518c.
Bond Markets, Analysis and Strategies артикул 13518c.

"Bond Markets, Analysis and Strategies", 6th edition, takes a practical real-world approach to bond investing It includes a detailed discussion of each type of bond and interest rate derivative instrument The text features a comprehensive discussion of not only the instruments, but also their investment characteristics, the state-of-the-art ожбох technology for valuing them, techniques for quantifying interest rate risk, and portfolio strategies for using them These strategies include active strategies and structured portfolio strategies New to this edition: Recent developments and information of the analytical techniques in the valuation of bonds with embedded options and measures for assessing the interest rate risk of complex instruments have been included Strategies for accomplishing investment objectives, particularly employing derivative instruments, have been updated Information on the latest developments in mortgage-backed securities and asset-backed securities is available Формат: 17,5 см x 23,5 cм 6 edition Автор Фрэнк Дж Фабоцци Frank J Fabozzi.  Издательство: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 792 стр ISBN 0-13-243626-4 Язык: Английский.

Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs артикул 13520c.
Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs артикул 13520c.

This new series serves as a forum for cutting-edge, accessible research on urban areas and issues Designed to reach a wide audience of scholars and policymakers, each issue contains studies on urban sprawl, crime, taxes, education, poverty, and related subjects Contributors include: Edwin Mills (Northwestern) Edward Glaeser (Harvard) Derek ожбоэ Neal (University of Wisconsin) Jeff Grogger (University of California, Los Angeles) John Quigley (University of California, Berkeley) Ingrid Gould Ellen (Wagner School of Public Service, New York University) Richard Voith (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia).  ISBN 0815730756.

Мама, давай вернем его аисту! или Как помочь ребенку подружиться с братиком или сестричкой артикул 13522c.
Мама, давай вернем его аисту! или Как помочь ребенку подружиться с братиком или сестричкой артикул 13522c.

Вам приходилось когда-нибудь разнимать своих дерущихся детей? А объяснять сыну, что его брат - самый близкий ему человек и его нужно любить? А кричать, топая от беспомощности ожбпб ногами: "Ты же старше, уступи!"? Или вы только планируете завести второго ребенка и не хотите делать всего перечисленного выше? Если да, то эта книга для вас Какие чувства испытывает ребенок, когда узнает о появлении в семье еще одного малыша? Почему вдруг послушное и веселое дитя становится вредным и капризным или, наоборот, мрачно замыкается в себе? Что делать родителям, если старший и младший дерутся, ссорятся и ябедничают друг на друга? Книга известного детского психолога Анны Кравцовой расскажет родителям, как разобраться в чувствах ваших детей и решить проблему ревности и соперничества Простые и эффективные рекомендации и множество поучительных примеров из практики автора помогут вам наладить мир и гармонию в семье Автор Анна Кравцова.  Серия: Искусство быть родителем Советуют профессионалы.

Прошепчи его имя артикул 13524c.
Прошепчи его имя артикул 13524c.

Переводчик: Екатерина Тарасова Кто бы мог подумать, что любовь к книгам способна привести к беде! Только не Абигайл Вейл, которую друзья за глаза называют `синим чулком` И, тем ожбпж не менее, именно из-за книги, случайно попавшей ей в руки, девушка оказалась втянутой в опасную интригу, закрученную одним из самых коварных шпионов Бонапарта Абигайл пытается сама выпутаться из смертельной ловушки, но неожиданно в игру вступает ее друг Хью Темплар, которого Абигайл до сих пор считала не приспособленным к жизни чудаком-ученым… Как же она ошибалась! Автор Элизабет Торнтон Elizabeth Thornton.  Серия: Соблазны.

Whisper His Name.
Strategy, Economic Organization, And The Knowledge Economy: The Coordination Of Firms And Resources артикул 13526c.
Strategy, Economic Organization, And The Knowledge Economy: The Coordination Of Firms And Resources артикул 13526c.

Book DescriptionThe rise of the knowledge economy has far-reaching implications for the nature of economic organization as well as firm strategy Not surprisingly, thinking in management studies as well as in economies has been profoundly affected by these changes Thus, management thinking in particular has been increasingly characterized ожбпй by a schism between those who advocate 'knowledge' or 'capabilities-based' approaches in the strategy and organization fields and those who adopt more economies-influenced approaches, notably the economics of organization This book is a sustained attempt to overcome this schism Its basic argument is that knowledge-based and organizational economics approaches are not substitutes but complements In particular, organizational economics has much to contribute with respect to furthering the understanding of efficient organization and strategy in the emerging knowledge economy This theme is taken through several theroretical as well as empirical variations Themes such as the incentive liabilities of flat, 'knowledge-based' organizations, the role of complementary HRM practices for fostering knowledge sharing and creation, and the role of organizational instruments in the knowledge management activities of the multinational corporate are extensively treated The book thus contains important implications for knowledge management, organizational design and international management The book encompasses nine chapters which critically examine current thinking on strategy, and organization The reasoning is non-technical While primarily aimed at a management studies audience, economists and other social scientists will also benefit from it, including Advanced Students, Academics and Researchers.  2005 г ISBN 0199240647.

The Economics of Rights, Cooperation and Welfare артикул 13528c.
The Economics of Rights, Cooperation and Welfare артикул 13528c.

Book Description This is a new edition - with a substantial new introduction - of a book which has had a significant impact on economics, philosophy and political science Robert Sugden shows how conventions of property, mutual aid, and voluntary supply of public goods can evolve spontaneously out of the interactions of self-interested individuals, ожбпм and can become moral norms Sugden was among the first social scientists to use evolutionary game theory His approach remains distinctive in emphasizing psychological and cultural notions of salience.  2005 г ISBN 0333682394.

Venice & The Veneto: City Guide артикул 13530c.
Venice & The Veneto: City Guide артикул 13530c.

Discover Venice & The Veneto: Relive Casino Royale and cruise the Grand Canal in your very own speedboat; Escape the menu turistico and dine instead on baccala and Bellinis in hidden backstreet bars; Take the art-pilgrim path to Padua, then sit with fireflies in Verona's pink-marble arena; Contemplate Venice's less salubrious past, when ожбпф the Catalogue of Courtesans was the guidebook of choice In This Guide: One author, 12 years of Venice know-how, five extended walks, one attempt at the Vogalonga; The only guide that goes the extra mile in finding gorgeous, great value canalside accommodation; Meet the mayor, learn about the lagoon and appreciate the city's artistic heritage - locals spill the beans on Italy's most beautiful city Формат издания: 13 см х 19,5 см 5 edition Автор Дамиан Симони Damien Simonis.  Издательство: Lonely Planet Publications, 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 284 стр ISBN 978-1-74104-657-1 Язык: Английский.

Fetish BubbleGirls артикул 13532c.
Fetish BubbleGirls артикул 13532c.

"Fetish BubbleGirls" presents the work of internationally recognized graffiti artist Tilt in an unabashedly new, colorful, and playful volume Graffiti has always been an inherently dangerous, high-wire act - the execution of art in risky, often illegal situations And one could argue for a strong parallel that exists between the ожбпц classic graffiti writing's extensive use of bubbly, curvaceous shapes and the female form The French born graf writer obsessively explores these tensions and parallels in "Fetish BubbleGirls" as he explores the world in search of beautiful young canvases on which to execute his art Although this mission straddles the globe, there is a common thread that emerges as the most striking detail of the project - the openness and balance between innocence and playfulness and sexuality and the highly charged environment that all of the models inhabit Формат издания: 15,5 см х 21 см Автор Tilt.  Издательство: Publikat, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 128 стр ISBN 978-3-939566-10-6 Язык: Английский Мелованная бумага, Цветные иллюстрации.

Economic and Financial Decisions under Risk артикул 13534c.
Economic and Financial Decisions under Risk артикул 13534c.

Book Description An understanding of risk and how to deal with it is an essential part of modern economics Whether liability litigation for pharmaceutical firms or an individual's having insufficient wealth to retire, risk is something that can be recognized, quantified, analyzed, treated--and incorporated into our decision-making processes ожбра This book represents a concise summary of basic multiperiod decision-making under risk Its detailed coverage of a broad range of topics is ideally suited for usein advanced undergraduate and introductory graduate courses either as a self-contained text, or the introductory chapters combined with a selection of later chapters can represent core reading in courses on macroeconomics, insurance, portfolio choice, orasset pricing The authors start with the fundamentals of risk measurement and risk aversion They then apply these concepts to insurance decisions and portfolio choice in a one-period model After examining these decisions in their one-period setting, they devote most of the book to a multiperiod context, which adds the long-term perspective most risk management analyses require Each chapter concludes with a discussion of the relevant literature and a set of problems The book presents a thoroughly accessible introduction to risk, bridging the gap between the traditionally separate economics and finance literatures.  2005 г ISBN 0691122156.

Prices and Choices артикул 13536c.
Prices and Choices артикул 13536c.

Prices and Choices is a collection of twenty-seven short, lively essays specifically designed to provide stimulating supplementary readings for introductory or intermediate microeconomic theory classes Hemenway puts economic concepts to work, using tools of analysis that are well within the grasp of undergraduates Students will have experience ожбре with, and ideas about, the topics and will therefore be able to enjoy Hemenway's entertaining discussions on economic theory; questions at the end of each chapter are included to promote active classroom discussion Specific topics include: temptation, fashion, haggling, tipping, insurance, crime, quality, inspection, safety, health care, and the Bible.  ISBN 0819189472.

Милый мой фото граф! артикул 13538c.
Милый мой фото граф! артикул 13538c.

Переводчик: Е Егорова В течение двух лет английский граф Брайс Паллизер, переписываясь с американкой Эммой Лоуренс, выдавал себя за простого фотографа А когда им довелось встретиться ожбрр и по-настоящему полюбить друг друга растерялся Как объяснить свое поведение девушке, не переносящей даже малейшей лжи? Автор Элизабет Харбисон Elizabeth Harbison.  Серия: Любовный роман.

Emma and the Earl.
Business Cycles: Theory, History, Indicators, and Forecasting артикул 13540c.
Business Cycles: Theory, History, Indicators, and Forecasting артикул 13540c.

This volume presents the most complete collection available of the work of Victor Zarnowitz, a leader in the study of business cycles, growth, inflation, and forecasting With characteristic insight, Zarnowitz examines theories of the business cycle, including Keynesian and monetary theories and more recent rational expectation and real ожбрх business cycle theories He also measures trends and cycles in economic activity; evaluates the performance of leading indicators and their composite measures; surveys forecasting tools and performance of business and academic economists; discusses historical changes in the nature and sources of business cycles; and analyzes how successfully forecasting firms and economists predict such key economic variablesas interest rates and inflation New Ed edition Автор Виктор Зарнович Victor Zarnowitz.  Издательство: University of Chicago Press, 1996 г Мягкая обложка, 614 стр ISBN 0226978915.

Наслаждения артикул 13542c.
Наслаждения артикул 13542c.

Переводчик: О Хитрук Пятнадцатилетнюю Ясмин выкупил у жестоких торговцев живым товаром человек, который стал ее другом и защитником, ее первым возлюбленным… Ясмин выросла ожбрь - и стала хозяйкой не только собственной судьбы, но и могущественной бизнес - империи В ее жизни было все - опасность и предательство, борьба и успех, были увлечения - но не было настоящей любви Пока не появился Шарль Ламарке… Автор Диана Сидни Sydney Diana.  Серия: Интрига.

Businomics: From the Headlines to Your Bottom Line: How to Profit in Any Economic Cycle артикул 13544c.
Businomics: From the Headlines to Your Bottom Line: How to Profit in Any Economic Cycle артикул 13544c.

In today's 24/7 marketplace, news about the economy dominates the front page of every newspaper When it comes to applying the headlines to your company or industry, are you at a loss? Businomics connects the dots between the economy and everyday business decisions including: staffing levels, inventory, capital expenditures, financial structure, ожбсж and investments--and shows you how you can profit and protect your business during any economic cycle You'll learn how to develop early warning systems for economic problems--and to understand how local, regional, and foreign business cycles could affect your bottom line Unlike textbooks or college courses, which teach abstract equations, theory, and economic policy, Businomics makes economics painless--and relevant With Businomics you'll have all the tools you need to understand how the economy affects your business, industry, and investments.  2007 г Мягкая обложка, 263 стр ISBN 1598691198.

Protectionism and World Welfare артикул 13546c.
Protectionism and World Welfare артикул 13546c.

Many of the world's most distinguished economists examine the recent deterioration in the liberal multilateral trading system, the movement toward protectionism, bilateralism and regionalism, and its causes, effects, and possible solutions The contributors are at the forefront of trade theory, policy and practice, and by collecting together ожбсл these analyses in a single volume, this book provides a unique survey for students and scholars of economics, and all those concerned with trade theory and policy inbusiness and government.  ISBN 0521424895.

Любовь на все времена Книга 1 артикул 13548c.
Любовь на все времена Книга 1 артикул 13548c.

Конн О`Малли появляется при дворе Елизоветы Тюдор и покоряет не одно женское сердце Эйден Сен - Мишель полюбила его всей душой и призналась в этом своей королеве Молодые люди ожбсп поженились, но Эйден крадут и увозят в Турцию, где она становится женой Явит - хана, которого вскоре убивают Эйден приговорена к мучительной смерти в морских волнах Придет ли вовремя спасение? Автор Бертрис Смолл Bertrice Small Родилась в Нью-Йорке в семье продюсера Окончила Вестерн-колледж и школу секретарей-референтов Работала секретарем, помощником менеджера; с 1969 года - профессиональный писатель Бертрис Смолл - одна из "королев" дамского романа Ее произведения.  Серия: Мини-шарм.

Historical Perspectives on the American Economy: Selected Readings артикул 13550c.
Historical Perspectives on the American Economy: Selected Readings артикул 13550c.

The essays included here are the "best sellers" of American economic history, the articles and chapters that most frequently appear on the syllabi of American economic history courses Introductions add context, provide critical questions about the arguments and evidence, indicate important subsequent works, and suggest additional ожбсх readings Also included are a glossary and an appendix that provide a clear, simple introduction to regression analysis, necessary for reading the increasingly technical "cliometric" articles in the field.  ISBN 0521466482.

Accounting for War (Cambridge Russian, Soviet & Post-Soviet Studies) артикул 13552c.
Accounting for War (Cambridge Russian, Soviet & Post-Soviet Studies) артикул 13552c.

How did the Soviet Union compare economically with its allies and adversaries before and during World War II? Was Soviet economic survival under massive German attack to be expected? What was the cost of the war in rubles, lives and foregone postwar economic well-being? In this book Mark Harrison answers these questions, providing a comprehensive ожбсч analysis of the hitherto secret Soviet statistical record.  ISBN 0521894247.

Объятия судьбы артикул 13554c.
Объятия судьбы артикул 13554c.

Переводчик: Т Трефилова Много лет назад отец Темпл Гаррис пообещал ее руку сыну своего давнего врага То был страшный долг чести Прошли годы - и наступил час расплаты, час, когда ожбсщ в дверь юной красавицы постучал Дамон Силоне, нежданный и незваный жених Темпл, в ужасе отпроисходящего, шла к алтарю точно на казнь, еще не зная, что обрела того единственного, кто способен сделать ее счастливой… Автор Шерил Флурной Flournoy Sheryl Hines.  Серия: Откровение.

Как утреннее солнце артикул 13556c.
Как утреннее солнце артикул 13556c.

Переводчик: Е Черная Чтобы избежать разорения своей семьи, юной Келли Соутгейт пришлось пожертвовать собой и дать согласие на брак с совершенно незнакомым человеком Однако ожбтв то, что должно было обернуться для девушки трагедией, стало по прихоти судьбы величайшим счастьем Женихом Келли оказался бесстрашный, мужественный стрелок, пылкий возлюбленный, человек, который, возможно, и не подарит Келли покой и безмятежность, зато принесет дар куда более драгоценный - блаженство пламенной страсти Автор Сильвия Холлидей Sylvia Halliday.  Серия: Очарование.

Cross-Cultural Consumption: Global Markets, Local Realities артикул 13558c.
Cross-Cultural Consumption: Global Markets, Local Realities артикул 13558c.

Cross-Cultural Consumption is a fascinating guide to the cultural implications of the globalization of a consumer society The chapters address topics ranging from the clothing of colonial subjects in South Africa and the rise of the "hypermarket" in Argentina, to the presentation of culture in international tourist hotels Through ожбтм their examination of cultural imperialism and cultural appropriation of the representation of "otherness" and identity, Howes and his contributors show how the increasingly global flow of goods and images challenges the very idea of the "cultural border" and creates new spaces for cultural invention.  ISBN 0415138892.

Poverty in Europe (Yrjo Jahnsson Lectures) артикул 13560c.
Poverty in Europe (Yrjo Jahnsson Lectures) артикул 13560c.

Poverty in Europe synthesizes the author's exploration of the topic as presented at the twelfth Yrjo Jahnsson Lecture at the University of Helsinki This three lecture collection confronts the serious questions surrounding the persistence of poverty in rich countries It covers the topics of financial poverty in the European Union, the economics ожбтш of poverty and exclusion, and the political economy of poverty.  ISBN 0631210296.

Macroeconomics : A Contemporary Introduction (with InfoTrac) артикул 13562c.
Macroeconomics : A Contemporary Introduction (with InfoTrac) артикул 13562c.

Book Description This very successful textbook is distinguished by a superior writing style that draws upon common student experiences to introduce economic concepts, making economic theory more accessible and interesting "Case Studies" and numerous examples take advantage of students' intuitive knowledge of economics, building ожбуа upon real-life situations A streamlined design places pedagogy and illustrations directly within the flow of the text, making them less distracting and more useful for students A fully integrated program of technology enhancements sets this text apart by pairing the book with numerous online multimedia learning tools that have been developed to help the text better serve a wide range of learning styles The text uniquely integrates classroom use of The Wall Street Journal by including a complimentary student subscription offer, as well as in-text pedagogy to help students learn to analyze the latest economic events as reported in the Journal.  2005 г ISBN 0324288743.

Strength Through Joy: Consumerism and Mass Tourism in the Third Reich артикул 13564c.
Strength Through Joy: Consumerism and Mass Tourism in the Third Reich артикул 13564c.

The giant Nazi leisure and tourism agency, Strength through Joy (KdF)'s low cost cultural events, factory beautification programs, organized sports, and, especially, mass tourism mitigated the tension between the Nazi regime's investment in rearmament and German consumers' desire for a higher standard of living Shelley Baranowski reveals ожбуе how Strength through Joy de-emphasized the sacrifices of the present while its programs presented visions of a prosperous future--that would materialize as soon as "living space" was acquired As an agency open to racially acceptable Germans only, it segregated the regime's victims from the Nazi "racial community ".  ISBN 0521833523.

Keynes's General Theory and Accumulation (Modern Cambridge Economics) артикул 13566c.
Keynes's General Theory and Accumulation (Modern Cambridge Economics) артикул 13566c.

This book makes Keynes's writing on his General Theory accessible to students by presenting this theory in a careful, consistent manner that is faithful to the original Keynes's theory continues to be important, because the issues it raised, such as theproblems of involuntary unemployment, the volatility of investment, and the complexity of ожбур monetary arrangements in modern capitalist economies, are still with us Keynes's method of analysis, which tries to allow for the complications of dealing with historical time, deserves the careful attention given in this book Keynes's formal analysis dealt only with a short period of time during which changes in productive capacity as a result of net investment were small relative to initial productive capacity Roy Harrod and Joan Robinson were the two most prominent followers of Keynes who attempted to extend his analysis to the long period by allowing for the effects of investment on productive capacity as well as on effective demand The careful examination of their writings on this topic is a natural complement to the presentation of Keynes's General Theory and makes clear the severe limitations on any use of equilibrium concepts in dealing with accumulation in models that try to observe Keynes's warnings about an unknowable future in the type of world we inhabit.  ISBN 0521368154.

Южные ночи артикул 13568c.
Южные ночи артикул 13568c.

Переводчик: М Фокина Тяжелое ранение оборвало военную карьеру Тревора Прескотта - карьеру, которая была для него смыслом жизни Отец отправляет молодого человека погостить ожбуч и развлечься в имение Стэнтонов, старинных друзей семьи Очаровательная Леа, племянница гостеприимного хозяина, с первого взгляда покоряет сердце сурового воина Только вот незадача - у Леа есть сестра-двойняшка, и взбалмошные девушки питают склонность к переодеваниям и мистификациям Автор Сьюзен Уэлдон Susan Weldon.  Серия: Очарование.

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