Economics in Real Time : A Theoretical Reconstruction (Advances in Heterodox Economics) артикул 13457c.
Economics in Real Time : A Theoretical Reconstruction (Advances in Heterodox Economics) артикул 13457c.

By incorporating real time into the analysis of sales and purchases, the phenomena of product innovation, advertising and distribution, the provision of consumer credit, and, ultimately, the production of a changing workforce all become intrinsic tomicroeconomic analysis In mainstream economics the series of purchases, say, of a personal ожбий computer, then of software upgrades, peripherals, on-line services, and so on are analyzed as discrete transactions McDermott instead links such purchases withing a "sale/purchase state" occupying the period beginning with the initial purchase of the PC and ending only when all of the PC's services have been exchanged to the buyer In transforming the analysis of contemporary sales and purchases, Economics in Real Time draws a radically diferent picture of the terrain of a modern economy John McDermott is Professor Emeritus of Labor Studies at the State University of New York, Old Westbury.  ISBN 0472113577.

A Course in Public Economics артикул 13459c.
A Course in Public Economics артикул 13459c.

Book DescriptionCovering core topics that explore the government's role in the economy, this textbook is intended for third or fourth year undergraduate students and first year graduate students It includes markets, externalities, public goods, imperfect competition, asymmetric information and efficiency, and asymmetric information ожбио and income redistribution A knowledge of intermediate microeconomics and basic calculus is assumed Each chapter contains exercises at the end, whose solutions are available to instructors Instructors' resource page: http://socserv mcmaster ca/leach/.  2003 г ISBN 0521535670.

The Jane Austen Book Club (аудиокнига на 4 CD) артикул 13461c.
The Jane Austen Book Club (аудиокнига на 4 CD) артикул 13461c.

Исполнитель: Джульет Стивенсон In California's Sacramento Valley, six people meet once a month 'to discuss Jane Austen's novels They are ordinary people, neither happy nor unhappy, but all wounded in different ways, all mixed up about their lives and their relationships Over the six months they meet marriages, ожбис are tested, affairs begin, unsuitable arrangements become suitable, and, under the guiding eye of Jane Austen, some of them even fall in love Общее время звучания: 4 часа 07 минут Автор Карен Джой Фаулер Karen Joy Fowler Исполнитель Джульет Стивенсон Juliet Stevenson.  Издательство: Penguin Group, 2005 г Jewel Case ISBN 0-14-180644-3 Язык: Английский.

Airman артикул 13463c.
Airman артикул 13463c.

Conor Broekhart was born to fly Or more accurately he was born flying Little wonder he became what he became In an age of discovery and invention many dreamed of flying, but for Conor flight was more than just a dream, it was his destiny In one dark night on the island of Great Saltee, a cruel and cunning betrayal destroyed his life and Stole his future Now ожбич Conor must will the race for flight, to save his family and to right a terrible wrong Формат: 13,5 см x 21,5 см Автор Йон Колфер Eoin Colfer Родился 14 мая 1965 года в городке Уэксфорд, на юго-восточном побережье Ирландии Он был вторым ребенком из пяти в семье учителя начальной школы и преподавательницы актерского мастерства Окончив в Дублине педагогический колледж, Колфер вернулся на.  Издательство: Puffin, 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 432 стр ISBN 978-0-141-38336-1 Язык: Английский.

Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness артикул 13465c.
Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness артикул 13465c.

This book examines the structure and organization of the agricultural industry, then discusses basic micro and macroeconomics principles as they apply to agriculture Principles of economics are used to demonstrate to the reader that theory actually makes reality more understandable The book is at the right level and is kept consistently up-to-date-the ожбйж only text that has been consistently revised!.  ISBN 0471388475.

Principles of Macroeconomics + Powerweb + DiscoverEcon Code Card : Macro + PW + DE Code Card артикул 13467c.
Principles of Macroeconomics + Powerweb + DiscoverEcon Code Card : Macro + PW + DE Code Card артикул 13467c.

This brand-new principles of macroeconomics text is the most exciting new entry in years Written by two well-known and well-respected economists, Bob Frank and Ben Bernanke, the text seeks to teach introductory students the core economic concepts-the essence of economics-without overwhelming them with details Principles of Macroeconomics ожбйл presents the material in an intuitive way that avoids excessive math The authors introduce a well-articulated short list of core principles, reinforce them by illustrating and applying each principle in several contexts, and then ask students to work exercises to see what they've learned The text seeks to create Economic Naturalists; that is, after reading the text, students will ask (and answer) questions about their economic environment For example, students will see Braille dots on drive-up ATMs and ask why they're there Peppered with such thought-provoking examples, Frank and Bernanke not only engage students, but teach them to see each feature of theireconomic landscape as the reflection of an implicit or explicit cost-benefit calculation culation.  ISBN 0072539968.

Опасная прогулка артикул 13469c.
Опасная прогулка артикул 13469c.

Переводчик: П Любимов В надежде получить хорошее место, осиротевшая Юдела приезжает в Лондон Лорд Джулиус обещал ей свою помощь, и доверчивая девушка не сразу понимает, что ожбйх стала жертвой торговца `живым товаром` В ужасе Юдела бежит из дома разврата и ищет защиты, у благородного джентльмена не подозревая, что это старший брат лорда Джулиуса… Автор Барбара Картленд Barbara Cartland Писательница, занесенная в Книгу рекордов Гиннесса как самый преуспевающий английский автор, родилась 9 июля 1901г К сегодняшнему дню она написала 662 книги, разошедшиеся в количестве свыше 650 миллионов экземпляров Ее первый роман "Пила,.  Издательство: Эксмо-Пресс Мягкая обложка, 272 стр ISBN 5-04-003984-0 Тираж: 10000 экз Формат: 84x104/32 (~220x240 мм).

The Way of the Surfer: Living it 1935 to Tomorrow артикул 13471c.
The Way of the Surfer: Living it 1935 to Tomorrow артикул 13471c.

Beautifully illustrated with color-drenched photography of exotic surfing paradises around the world, this gorgeous volume by legendary surf writer Drew Kampion is the ultimate lifestyle guide to a sport that has in the last few years virtually exploded onto the pop-culture scene No one is more qualified than Kampion, the dean of surf scribes ожбйч and former Surfer magazine editor-in-chief, to capture the irresistible lure of the sport for the nation's 1,736,000-plus surfers Kampion's new book is a short history of surfing worldwide and a portrait of 11 of the most important surfers ever From Surfer magazine founder John Severson, Australia's national hero Nat Young, and Hawaiian surf guru Gerry Lopez, to the most popular and accomplished surfers of today, Lisa Andersen and Kelly Slater, Kampion spends time with the sport's biggest stars, who share the highs they have experienced, as well as the transforming, sometimes profound, life lessons they have learned More than any other book, "The Way of the Surfer" successfully conveys surfing's appeal for men and women of all ages-and why, for so many surfers, riding the waves has become a way of life and a symbol of personal freedom and individual expression Формат: 22 см x 25 cм Иллюстрации Автор Drew Kampion.  Издательство: Harry N Abrams, 2003 г Твердый переплет, 192 стр ISBN 0-8109-4638-6 Язык: Английский Мелованная бумага, Цветные иллюстрации.

Ethics Out of Economics артикул 13473c.
Ethics Out of Economics артикул 13473c.

John Broome's work has always combined sophisticated economic and philosophical expertise, and Ethics Out of Economics brings together some of his most important essays, augmented by a new introduction This book examines some of the practical issues that lie between economics and ethics, and shows how utility theory can contribute to ethics, ожбйю as many economic problems are also ethical problems Professor Broome raises some fundamental questions about economic equality, preserving the environment, and theallocation of medical resources, and powerfully shows how economic methods can contribute to moral philosophy.  ISBN 0521644917.

Палисандровый остров артикул 13475c.
Палисандровый остров артикул 13475c.

Переводчик: А Никоненко На райском острове Тенерифе прелестная Лориан неожиданно встретила любовь Но девушка скрывает свои чувства Ведь ее избранник, властный и аристократичный ожбки Рикардо, - самый завидный жених на острове Зачем ему, богачу и красавцу, скромная англичанка? Лориан еще не догадывается, что Рикардо влюбился в нее с первого взгляда Автор Айрис Денбери Iris Danbury.  Серия: Цветы любви.

Jacaranda Island.
Advances in Input-Output Analysis: Technology, Planning, and Development артикул 13477c.
Advances in Input-Output Analysis: Technology, Planning, and Development артикул 13477c.

Input-output analysis, developed by Nobel Prize winner Wassily Leontief, continues to be a vital area of research Not only do academics find it a powerful tool in understanding how large scale economies--especially national economies--work, but many governments maintain computer input-output models to study their own economies This important ожбкл volume of work contains the latest research using the I-O model, focusing primarily on technology, planning, and development The book derives from a conference held in Sapporo, Japan, in July, 1986.  ISBN 0195062361.

The Rotters' Club (аудиокнига на 3 CD) артикул 13479c.
The Rotters' Club (аудиокнига на 3 CD) артикул 13479c.

Исполнитель: Jeff Rawle Unforgettably funny and painfully honest, Jonathan Coe's tale of Benjamin Trotter and his friends coming of age during the 1970s is a heartfelt celebration of the joys and agonies of growing up Set against the backdrop of the decade's class struggles, tragic and riotous by turns, packed with thwarted romance ожбкр and furtive sex, "The Rotters' Club" is for anyone who ever experienced adolescence the hard way Общее время звучания: 3 часа 45 минут Иллюстрация Автор Джонатан Коу Jonathan Coe Английский писатель Джонатан Коу родился в 1961 году в Бирмингеме Окончил престижный Тринити-колледж в Кембридже Позднее преподавал английскую поэзию в университете Уорвика, там же получил докторскую степень за диссертацию по роману Генри Филдинга "Том Исполнитель Jeff Rawle.  Издательство: Penguin Group, 2004 г Jewel Case ISBN 0-14-180483-1 Язык: Английский.

Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace One School at a Time артикул 13481c.
Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace One School at a Time артикул 13481c.

In 1993, after a terrifying and disastrous attempt to climb K 2, a mountaineer called Greg Mortenson drifted, cold and dehydrated, into an impoverished Pakistan village in the Karakoram Mountains Moved by the inhabitants' kindness, he promised to return and build a school "Three Cups of Tea" is the story of that promise and its extraordinary ожбкц outcome Over the next decade Mortenson built not just one but fifty-five schools in remote villages across the forbidding and breathtaking landscape of Pakistan and Afghanistan, just as the Taliban rose to power Формат: 13 см x 19,5 см Авторы Greg Mortenson David Oliver Relin.  Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd , 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 384 стр ISBN 978-0-141-03426-3 Язык: Английский.

Un Studio Mercedes-Benz Museum: Design Evolution артикул 13483c.
Un Studio Mercedes-Benz Museum: Design Evolution артикул 13483c.

Since its foundation in 1903 the Federation of German Architects (Bund Deutscher Architekten, BDA), an association of free-lance architects, has been lobbying for a qualitative perfecting of our built environment Thus it encourages the quality of planning and building with responsibility towards society and environment as well as innovations ожбкщ associated with it through teaching and research, but especially also by help of the BDA members themselves Формат: 15 см x 21 cм.  Издательства: BDA, AVedition, 2006 г Мягкая обложка, 128 стр ISBN 978-3-89986-069-6, 3-89986-069-1 Языки: Немецкий, Английский.

Прелестница артикул 13485c.
Прелестница артикул 13485c.

Переводчик: Ирина Гюббенет Красавица Маргарет Лонгвиль не только умна и богата, она еще автор популярных дамских романов о любви, в которых действуют благородные, бесстрашные ожблб рыцари Но человек, с которым она помолвлена, - виконт Уортен, самый завидный жених сезона и ярый противникдуэлей, - далек от ее идеала Тем не менее он решает во что бы то ни стало завоевать сердце капризной красавицы Но, лишь наделав множество глупостей и едва не упустив свое счастье, Маргарет узнает, что такое истинное мужество и благородство Автор Валери Кинг Valerie King.  Серия: Кружево.

Trade and Industrial Policy Under International Oligopoly артикул 13487c.
Trade and Industrial Policy Under International Oligopoly артикул 13487c.

The existence of firms with different levels of efficiency within a country plays an important role in this in-depth analysis of industrial and trade policies in a multi-country trade-theoretic framework Sajal Lahiri and Yoshiyasu Ono examine various industrial policies, R&D subsidies and trade policies under conditions of imperfect ожблз competition in a product market created by the presence of Cournot oligopolistic interdependence in production The book covers commodity trade (assuming full employment) and foreign direct investment (assuming unemployment) making it of interest to researchers, advanced students and policy makers.  ISBN 0521770335.

September артикул 13489c.
September артикул 13489c.

A birthday party provides the excuse for Alexa to return to Scotland for the first time in years And the opportunity to introduce her new boyfriend to her family But they arrive to find everyone agog at the reappearance of Pandora Pandora, the wild child who had run away The one who might have had an affair with Alexa's father… What will happen when ожблн the party's over? Формат: 13 см x 19,5 см Автор Розамунда Пилчер Rosamunde Pilcher.  Издательство: Hodder, 2005 г Мягкая обложка, 624 стр ISBN 978-0-340-75245-6 Язык: Английский.

Life in the Sea: Level 2 артикул 13491c.
Life in the Sea: Level 2 артикул 13491c.

Художник: R C Prakash "Read it Yourself" is a series of graded readers designed to give young children a confident and successful start to reading Level 2 is for children who are familiar with some simple words and can read short sentences Each book in this level contains frequently repeated phrases that help children to read ожблх more fluently An interesting and detailed illustration accompanies every page, which aids understanding of the text and encourages interest and enjoyment About this book: The opening pages introduce the sea and the seashore The following pages talk about plant and animal life in the sea Each page starts with a repetitive phrase to help beginner readers to start the sentence confidently Key information is labelled on every spread to support new vocabulary and understanding Try using the last spread to talk about what the reader has learnt A simple index can be found at the back of the book We use an index in fact books to help us find the page of the topic we are interested in Beginner readers need plenty of help and encouragement Формат: 11,5 см x 17,5 см Автор Aysha Rau.  Серия: Read it Yourself.

I Spy Funny Teeth: Level 1 артикул 13493c.
I Spy Funny Teeth: Level 1 артикул 13493c.

Level 1 - Short sentences and stories made up of words kids can sound out using their phonics skills and words that are important to remember Level 2 - Longer sentences and stories with words kids need to know and new "big" words that they will want to know Level 3 - From sentences to paragraphs to longer stories, these books have large "chunks" of ожблъ texts and are made up of a rich vocabulary Level 4 - First chapter books with more words and fewer pictures It is important that children learn to read well enough to succeed in school and beyond Here are ideas for reading this book with your child: - Look at the book together Encourage your child to read the title and make a prediction about the story - Read the book together Encourage your child to sound out words when appropriate When your child struggles, you can help by providing the word - Encourage your child to retell the story This is a great way to check for comprehension - Have your child take the fluency test on the last page to check progress Scholastic Readers are designed to support your child's efforts to learn how to read at every age and every stage Enjoy helping your child learn to read and love to read Формат: 15 см x 23 см Автор Jean Marzollo.  Серия: Scholastic Reader.

Coordination Games : Complementarities and Macroeconomics артикул 13495c.
Coordination Games : Complementarities and Macroeconomics артикул 13495c.

This book studies the implications of macroeconomic complementarities for aggregate behavior The presentation is intended to introduce Ph D students into this sub-field of macroeconomics and to serve as a reference for more advanced scholars The initial sections of the book cover the basic framework of complementarities and provide a discussion ожбмк of the experimental evidence on the outcome of coordination games The subsequent sections of the book investigate applications of these ideas for macroeconomics The topics Professor Cooper explores include: economies with production complementarities, search models, imperfectly competitive product markets, models of timing and delay and the role of government in resolving and creating coordination problems.  ISBN 0521578965.

Little House on the Prairie артикул 13497c.
Little House on the Prairie артикул 13497c.

Pa Ingalls decides to sell the little log house, and the family sets out for Indian country! They travel from Wisconsin to Kansas and there, finally, Pa builds their little house on the prairie Sometimes farm life is difficult, even dangerous, but Laura and the family are kept busy and are happy with the promise of their new life on the prairie Формат ожбмп издания: 13 см х 19,5 см Автор Лора Инглз Уайлдер Laura Ingalls Wilder.  Издательство: HarperTrophy, 1994 г Мягкая обложка, 352 стр ISBN 0-06-440002-6 Язык: Английский.

Dilemmas in Economic Theory: Persisting Foundational Problems in Microeconmics артикул 13499c.
Dilemmas in Economic Theory: Persisting Foundational Problems in Microeconmics артикул 13499c.

By examining the development of economics in the 20th century, this book argues that the breakthroughs of post WWII general equilibrium theory and its rejection of utilitarianism and marginal productivity have been misunderstood Mandler maintains that although earlier neoclassicism deserved criticism, current theory does not adequately ожбму address the problems the discarded concepts were designed to solve, and that intractable dilemmas therefore appear.  ISBN 0195100875.

Applied Production Analysis: A Dual Approach артикул 13501c.
Applied Production Analysis: A Dual Approach артикул 13501c.

This book contains a modern treatment of production economics from a dual perspective, with a special emphasis on recent developments in the field The book prepares the reader to apply the tools and concepts of the dual approach production economics to real world problems and data sets Among other topics covered are flexible function forms, aggregation ожбмч across inputs and outputs using the theory of separable structures, aggregation over economic optimizing firms, the representation of multioutput technologies, and the analysis and measurement of technical change from both a primal and dual perspective.  ISBN 0521314275.

The Genuine Article: Race, Mass Culture, and American Literary Manhood артикул 13503c.
The Genuine Article: Race, Mass Culture, and American Literary Manhood артикул 13503c.

In "The Genuine Article" Paul Gilmore examines the interdependence of literary and mass culture at a crucial moment in U S history Demonstrating from a new perspective the centrality of race to the construction of white manhood across class lines, Gilmore argues that in the years before the Civil War, as literature increasingly became ожбна another commodity in the capitalist cultural marketplace, American authors appropriated middle-brow and racially loaded cultural forms to bolster their masculinity From characters in Indian melodramas and minstrel shows to exhibits in popular museums and daguerreotype galleries, primitive racialized figures circulated as "the genuine article" of manliness in the antebellum United States Gilmore argues that these figures were manipulated, translated, and adopted not only by canonical authors such as Hawthorne, Thoreau, Cooper, and Melville but also by African American and Native American writers like William Wells Brown and Okah Tubbee By examining how these cultural notions of race played out in literary texts and helped to construct authorship as a masculine profession, Gilmore makes a unique contribution to theories of class formation in nineteenth-century America Формат: 15,5 см x 23,5 см Автор Paul Gilmore.  Издательство: Duke University Press, 2001 г Мягкая обложка, 288 стр ISBN 0-8223-2764-3 Язык: Английский.

The Einstein Almanac артикул 13505c.
The Einstein Almanac артикул 13505c.

Albert Einstein was an exceptional human being Perhaps nothing reflects the breadth and scope of his brilliance, his interests, and his influence better than his publications-more than six hundred scientific papers, books, essays, reviews, and opinion pieces Einstein began publishing in March 1901 with a scientific work that appeared in the ожбнд German journal "Annalen der Physik" when he was twenty-two; the last publication was an editorial in the journal "Common Cause", which appeared a few months before his death in 1955 In the fifty-four-year interval, his published work ranged widely over relativity theory and quantum physics, nationalism, Judaism, war, peace, and education Indeed, Einstein's literary output was so abundant that even many of his most informed admirers are not familiar with all of it "The Einstein Almanac" takes a look at Einstein's year-by-year output, explaining his three hundred most important publications and setting them into the context of his life, science, and world history Concentrating primarily on Einstein's scientific and humanitarian writings, Alice Calaprice summarizes most of the papers and describes meaningful events surrounding their publication, including Einstein's personal life, his travels, the work of other scientists, social and cultural developments at the time, and national and international events Enjoyable and informative, "The Einstein Almanac" provides a unique perspective on Einstein's genius-and his humanity Формат: 14,5 см x 28,5 см Автор Alice Calaprice Alice Calaprice.  Издательство: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005 г Суперобложка, 212 стр ISBN 0-8018-8021-1 Язык: Английский.

The Turner Book артикул 13507c.
The Turner Book артикул 13507c.

J M W Turner was a fascinating and enigmatic figure Both astonishingly prolific and extraordinarily innovative, he is widely regarded as the most important painter of his age, whose pictorial imagination reconciled wide-ranging intellectual concerns with audacious explorations of light and colour The Turner Book goes beyond the usual interpretations ожбно of the artist, revealing the extraordinary self-belief and ambition that allowed him to continue steadfastly with his experimentation in the face of hostile critical attack, examining in detail key works and the techniques by which he realised them and featuring revealing extracts from his writings on art, letters and poetry Lavishly illustrated with both well and lesser-known works and ranging over the entire course of the artist's career, this is the essential guide to Turner's life and work Формат: 19 см x 24,5 см Иллюстрации Автор Sam Smiles.  Издательство: Tate Publishing & Enterprises, 2006 г Мягкая обложка, 224 стр ISBN 1 85437 572 5, 1-85437-572-5 Язык: Английский Мелованная бумага, Цветные иллюстрации.

Hillary's Choice артикул 13509c.
Hillary's Choice артикул 13509c.

"Hillary's Choice" is a love story - but one whose rocky moments, rather than remaining private, have been publicised and politicised beyond any imagining We think we know it all But it took Gail Sheehy to answer convincingly, for the first time, the perpetual questions: Why does she stay with him? How has she preserved her spirit through ожбнщ repeated cycles of Clinton's seduction, betrayal and repentance? In "Hillary's Choice" we meet the real Hillary Rodham; a woman notoriously obsessive about guarding the privacy of herself and those close to her Gail Sheehy has been observing and writing about her over the past seven years Now she has interviewed hundreds of people - many of them fresh sources with an intimate knowledge of Hillary The biographical portrait that emerges is ? tour deforce of hard reporting shaped by the intimate contour of Sheehy's unique insights Формат: 16 см x 24 cм Автор Гейл Шихи Gail Sheehy.  Издательство: Simon & Schuster, 1999 г Суперобложка, 504 стр ISBN 0-684-86079-1 Язык: Английский.

Fair Division and Collective Welfare артикул 13511c.
Fair Division and Collective Welfare артикул 13511c.

The concept of fair division is as old as civil society itself Aristotle's "equal treatment of equals" was the first step toward a formal definition of distributive fairness The concept of collective welfare, more than two centuries old, is a pillar ofmodern economic analysis Reflecting fifty years of research, this book examines ожбнэ the contribution of modern microeconomic thinking to distributive justice Taking the modern axiomatic approach, it compares normative arguments of distributive justice and their relation to efficiency and collective welfare The book begins with the epistemological status of the axiomatic approach and the four classic principles of distributive justice: compensation, reward, exogenous rights, and fitness It then presents the simple ideas of equal gains, equal losses, and proportional gains and losses The book discusses three cardinal interpretations of collective welfare: Bentham's "utilitarian" proposal to maximize the sum of individual utilities, the Nash product, and the egalitarian leximin ordering It also discusses the two main ordinal definitions of collective welfare: the majority relation and the Borda scoring method The Shapley value is the single most important contribution of game theory to distributive justice A formula to divide jointly produced costs or benefits fairly, it is especially useful when the pattern of externalities renders useless the simple ideas of equality and proportionality The book ends with two versatile methods for dividing commodities efficiently and fairly when only ordinal preferences matter: competitive equilibrium with equal incomes and egalitarian equivalence The book contains a wealth of empirical examples and exercises.  ISBN 0262134233.

Соблазны Голливуда артикул 13458c.
Соблазны Голливуда артикул 13458c.

Переводчик: Владимир Гришечкин Судьба великолепной Лары Айвори круто изменилась с тех пор, как она встретила Джоуи Лоренцо Красавица кинозвезда и начинающий актер - они нашли ожбин друг друга в этом жестоком и беспощадном мире кинобизнеса и теперь готовы пожертвовать всем, что имеют, ради обретенной любви Но у каждого из них — свое непростое прошлое, и оно мешает им полностью доверять друг другу Их роман развивается сложно и непредсказуемо И как знать, не потеряют ли они снова свое хрупкое счастье Автор Джеки Коллинз Jackie Collins Родилась в Лондоне в семье театрального чиновника Писать начала с восьми лет В пятнадцать лет ее исключили из школы, и она отправилась в Голливуд, рассчитывая сделать карьеру киноактрисы В 1968 году вышел первый роман Джеки Коллинз "Мир полон.  Серия: Наслаждение.

Pricing Decisions in the Euro Area: How Firms Set Prices and Why артикул 13460c.
Pricing Decisions in the Euro Area: How Firms Set Prices and Why артикул 13460c.

This book collects results from ad hoc surveys on firms pricing behavior conducted in 2003 and 2004 by nine National central banks of the Euro area in the context of a joint research project (Eurosystem Inflation Persistence Network) These surveys have proved to be an efficient way to test theories on the pricing strategies of economic agents, documenting, ожбир in qualitative terms, the underlying rationale of the observed pricing patterns The book provides an unprecedented amount of information from more than 11,000 euro area firms, addressing issues such as the relevance of nominal and real rigidities, the information set used by firms in the price setting process, the strategy followed to review prices, the frequency of both price reviews and price changes, the reasons underlying price stickiness, and asymmetries in price adjustment It also compares results for the euro area to those obtained for other countries by similar studies Finally, it draws the main implications for theoretical modeling and for monetary policy.  2007 г Твердый переплет, 368 стр ISBN 0195309286.

The New Law of Demand and Supply: The Revolutionary New Demand Strategy for Faster Growth and Higher Profits артикул 13462c.
The New Law of Demand and Supply: The Revolutionary New Demand Strategy for Faster Growth and Higher Profits артикул 13462c.

A groundbreaking business book for the twenty-first century, The New Law of Demand and Supply overturns the traditional supply-side approach to how business is done, showing why a demand-based approach is essential to success in today’s economy For more than two hundred years, companies have based their approach to business on supply-side ожбих economics, concentrating on creating products and services and then attempting, through marketing, publicity, distribution and promotion tostimulate a demand for them While most companies have factored in customer feedback, focus groups, and broad-based market research, their basic approach has remained the same And it is a mistake In The New Law of Demand and Supply, Cambridge Group CEO Rick Kash argues that in order to succeed in today’s market, companies must reverse their approach by first determining what current and emerging demand exists and then by creating products and services to meet that demand Fora host of reasons–from the reduced life cycles of products and services, to deregulation, to increased competition as a result of globalization, to the ability of customers to compare prices and values at a keystroke–the market, Kash argues, has fundamentally and permanently changed from one that is driven by supply to one that is driven by demand Traditional businesses that remain locked in a supply-side mentality are doomed to failure Today’s most successful companies, from McDonald’s to IBM, from EMC to Pepsi-Cola, use the principles of demand strategy to first understand all the factors that go into creating demand in their targeted markets, as well as what their emerging needs will be in the future In the heart of the book, Kash outlines a specific six-step demand strategy on how to implement a demand-first approach–from homing in on who your most profitable customers are to determining what needs they have (whether articulated or not) that are not currently being addressed Using that information, companies can create unique products that are differentiated from their competitors’ to meet those demands Rather than being forced to compete on price, they can trump the competition by competing on value,offering the options, features, products, and services that better meet an existing demand As a result, companies often can actually charge more for what they produce and improve their margins Diving under the hoods of a score of successful Fortune 500companies that have made demand strategy central to the way they do business, including Gatorade, Capital One, Sara Lee, and Sears, Kash details how these companies have used this strategy to re-create their businesses Ten years ago, Reengineering the Corporation brought about a sea change in the way companies were run Now, The New Law of Demand and Supply redefines the ground rules of today’s economy and gives managers the tools they need to outperform the competition and achieve dramatic growth and profits.  ISBN 0385504322.

Ночные грезы артикул 13464c.
Ночные грезы артикул 13464c.

Переводчик: П Любимов Оставшись без средств к существованию, юная Алинда решает заработать деньги своим искусством рукоделия Ее приглашают в богатое поместье графа Кэлвидона ожбйг реставрировать дорогие старинные вышивки Но едва девушка переступила порог этого великолепного дома,как на нее обрушились проблемы его обитателей - вдовствующей графини, ее любовника, а затем и молодого графа, вернувшегося из - за границы после долгого отсутствия Автор Барбара Картленд Barbara Cartland Писательница, занесенная в Книгу рекордов Гиннесса как самый преуспевающий английский автор, родилась 9 июля 1901г К сегодняшнему дню она написала 662 книги, разошедшиеся в количестве свыше 650 миллионов экземпляров Ее первый роман "Пила,.  Издательство: Эксмо-Пресс Мягкая обложка, 272 стр ISBN 5-04-004174-8 Тираж: 7000 экз Формат: 84x104/32 (~220x240 мм).

Law & Economics артикул 13466c.
Law & Economics артикул 13466c.

This best-selling text continues to provide students with a clear method for applying economic analysis to the study of legal rules and institutions "Law and Economics" opens with an overview of economic tools for law students and legal tools for economics students Later chapters cover economic theories in five key areas of the law: ожбйй property, contracts, torts, legal process, and crimes The Fourth Edition has been thoroughly revised for clarity and coverage New material includes recent developments in intellectual property, law and social norms, efficiency versus equity, private disputes versus tax and transfer as methods of achieving equity, and behavioral law and economics Empirical literature and data have been extensively updated throughout The improved and expanded end-of-chapter problems serve as an important resource for students All-new "Web Notes," featured in each chapter, closely link the text with materials on the Web site Формат: 16 см x 23,5 см 4 edition Авторы Robert Cooter Thomas Ulen.  Издательства: Pearson Education, Inc , Addison Wesley, 2004 г Мягкая обложка, 560 стр ISBN 0-321-20471-9 Язык: Английский.

Straining at the Anchor: The Argentine Currency Board and the Search for Macroeconomic Stability, 1880-1935 (Nber Series on Long-Term Factors in Economic Development) артикул 13468c.
Straining at the Anchor: The Argentine Currency Board and the Search for Macroeconomic Stability, 1880-1935 (Nber Series on Long-Term Factors in Economic Development) артикул 13468c.

The "Argentine disappointment"--why Argentina persistently failed to achieve sustained economic stability during the twentieth century--is an issue that has mystified scholars for decades In Straining the Anchor, Gerardo della Paolera and Alan M Taylor provide many of the missing links that help explain this important historical ожбйо episode Written chronologically, this book follows the various fluctuations of the Argentine economy from its postrevolutionary volatility to a period of unprecedented prosperity to a dramatic decline from which the country has never fully recovered The authors examine in depth the solutions that Argentina has tried to implement such as the Caja de Conversión, the nation's first currency board which favored a strict gold-standard monetary regime, the forerunner of the convertibility plan the nation has recently adopted With many countries now using--or seriously contemplating--monetary arrangements similar to Argentina's, this important and persuasive study maps out one of history's most interesting monetary experiments to show what works and what doesn't.  ISBN 0226645568.

Physioeconomics: The Basis for Long-Run Economic Growth артикул 13470c.
Physioeconomics: The Basis for Long-Run Economic Growth артикул 13470c.

According to Philip Parker, the relationship between physics-based physiology and macroeconomics may come to dominate explanations of economic growth His argument focuses on the so-called equatorial paradox--the phenomenon that a country's latitude explains up to 70 percent of cross-country variances in per capita income After introducing ожбйц concepts from physics and physiology as the building blocks of homeostatic utility, he explains the role of homeostatic utility in economic growth Specifically, he shows that a country's performance is gauged not by its absolute level of income or consumption, but by how far it is from a homeostatic steady state governed by what he calls physioeconomics Countries closer to their homeostatic steady state grow more slowly than those farther away Parker shows how factors such as income, aggregate savings, investment, technology, entrepreneurship, production, and outputs per worker are influenced by the more fundamental principles of physics and physiology He focuses particularly on the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that drives motivation, monitors homeostasis, and ultimately keeps us alive via neural, autonomic, and hormonal adjustments He presents evidence that long-run growth can be attributed to variances in hypothalmic activity A physioeconomic approach to growth can lead to better economic policies, measures of performance, and predictions of progress To take just one example, policymakers would be quicker to realize that food aid to warmer regions can destroy local farming economies that supply adequate caloric needs at a lower steady state.  ISBN 026216194X.

Отчаянная охота артикул 13472c.
Отчаянная охота артикул 13472c.

Переводчик: А Кашин Джордана Смит объездила весь мир в поисках приключений и охотничьих трофеев Она ни в чем не уступала мужчинам И ни одному мужчине до сих пор не удавалось тронуть ожбйш ее гордое сердце, пока однажды на светском приеме она не оказалась в объятиях незнакомца, сумевшего одним поцелуем разбудить ее чувственность Но незнакомец исчез, и только месяц спустя в Скалистых горах Айдахо она вновь встретила Брига Маккорда Здесь, среди суровой и обманчиво мирной дикой природы, пришлось узнавать Джордане настоящую цену любви и смерти, верности и коварства Автор Джанет Дейли Janet Dailey.  Серия: Наслаждение.

Girls of Riyadh артикул 13474c.
Girls of Riyadh артикул 13474c.

The girls of Riyadh are young, attractive and living by Saudi Arabia's strict cultural traditions Well, not quite In between sneaking out behind their parents' backs, dating, shopping, watching American TV and having fun, they're still trying to be good little Muslim girls That is, pleasing their families and their men But can you be a twenty-first-century ожбкб girl and a Saudi girl? Формат: 11 см x 18 см Автор Rajaa Alsanea.  Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd , 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 320 стр ISBN 978-0-141-03601-4 Язык: Английский.

Clouds of Witness артикул 13476c.
Clouds of Witness артикул 13476c.

The Duke of Denver, accused of murder, stands trial for his life in the House of Lords Naturally, his brother Lord Peter Wimsey is investigating the crime This is a family affair: Lord Peter's sister was engaged to marry the dead man, and the murder took place at the duke's shooting lodge But why does the duke refuse to co-operate with the investigation? ожбкй Can he really be guilty, or is he covering up for someone? The truth will not be uncovered until Wimsey himself is attacked, first on the lonely Yorkshire moors and then in a busy Soho street Формат: 11 см x 18 см Автор Дороти Ли Сейерс Dorothy Leigh Sayers Родилась в Оксфорде, В 1915 г в числе первых студенток (прежде в Оксфорде учились только мужчины)окончила Оксфордский университет со степенью бакалавра В 1923 году опубликовала свое первое крупное произведение - роман "Чье тело?", в котором перед.  Издательства: New English Library, Hodder & Stoughton, 1988 г Мягкая обложка, 288 стр ISBN 0 450 00180 6, 0-450-00180-6 Язык: Английский.

Goodbye, Dearest Holly артикул 13478c.
Goodbye, Dearest Holly артикул 13478c.

Some tragedies become part of our national history On 4 August 2002 Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman disappeared As their families, the police, and the local community searched for them, the nation watched in horrified suspense Almost two weeks after Holly and Jessica went missing, their bodies were found Two days later Ian Huntley was charged with ожбкп their murders In the terrible weeks that followed, Holly's father Kevin started to make notes, fearful that he might forget important details "Goodbye, Dearest Holly" tells the story of the nightmare that began when it became clear that Holly and Jessica were missing, through the long investigation and its aftermath An unflinching tale of surviving tragedy, Kevin's diaries tell of battles with the media, police bureaucracy and the legal system; they also include a gripping account of the trial and convictions of Huntley and Maxine Carr Above all, "Goodbye, Dearest Holly" is a loving act of fatherhood Формат: 13 см x 19,5 см Автор Kevin Wells.  Издательство: Hodder, 2005 г Мягкая обложка, 376 стр ISBN 0 340 89791 0, 0-340-89791-0 Язык: Английский.

Macroeconomics of Self-fulfilling Prophecies - 2nd Edition артикул 13480c.
Macroeconomics of Self-fulfilling Prophecies - 2nd Edition артикул 13480c.

For many years it was fashionable to treat macroeconomics and microeconomics as separate subjects without looking too deeply at the relationship between the two But in the 1970s there occurred an episode of high inflation and high unemployment, which was inconsistent with orthodox theory As a result, macroeconomists began to pay much greater ожбкс attention to the microfoundations of their subject In this book Roger E A Farmer takes a somewhat controversial point of view, arguing for the future of macroeconomics as a branch of applied general equilibrium theory His main theme is that macroeconomics is best viewed as the study of equilibrium environments in which the welfare theorems break down This approach makes it possible to discuss therole of government policies in a context in which policy may serve some purpose Since the publication of the first edition in 1993, self-fulfilling prophecies has become a major competitor to the real business-cycle view of economic fluctuations The second edition has been updated in three ways: (1) problems are included at the end of every chapter, and a study guide containing sample answers to all of the problems is available; (2) a new chapter discusses research from the past five years on business fluctuations in multisector models; and (3) the chapter on representative agent growth models now includes an appendix that explains the transversality condition.  ISBN 0262062038.

Macroeconomic Policy, Growth and Poverty Reduction артикул 13482c.
Macroeconomic Policy, Growth and Poverty Reduction артикул 13482c.

In the late 20th century, structural adjustment policies became the West's received wisdom as a solution to the economic problems of the South Based on detailed empirical research, the contributors to this volume take a more heterodox and even critical approach Many of the issues raised here are now being assimilated into a new post-Washington ожбкш Consensus The range of geographical coverage matched with the coherence of the approaches taken by the contributors allows striking comparisons to be made.  ISBN 0333928970.

The Asian Financial Crisis: Causes, Contagion and Consequences (Global Economic Institutions 2) артикул 13484c.
The Asian Financial Crisis: Causes, Contagion and Consequences (Global Economic Institutions 2) артикул 13484c.

The first theoretical analysis of the Asian Financial Crisis--perhaps the single most important economic event of the 1990s--starts by presenting a factual and analytic overview of what happened It goes on to consider why crisis turned into collapse, speculative attacks, and contagion and finishes with a round table discussion of policy issues ожбла The distinguished contributors are from organizations including IMF, the World Bank and the Bank for International Settlements This is vital reading for policy professionals as well as researchers and graduate students in a wide range of disciplines.  ISBN 0521770807.

Wuthering Heights (аудиокнига на 3 CD) артикул 13486c.
Wuthering Heights (аудиокнига на 3 CD) артикул 13486c.

Исполнитель: Джульет Стивенсон Lockwood, the new tenant of Thrushcross Grange on the bleak Yorkshire moors, is forced to seek shelter one night at Wuthering Heights, the home of his landlord There he discovers the history of the tempestuous events that took place years before: of the intense passion between the ожблд foundling Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw, and her betrayal of him As Heathcliff's bitterness and vengeance is visited upon the next generation, their innocent heirs must struggle to escape the legacy of the past Общее время звучания: 2 часа 40 минут Автор Эмили Бронте Emily Jane Bronte Родилась в Торнтоне (графство Йоркшир) в семье священника Получила домашнее образование В 1842 году вместе с сестрой Шарлоттой отправилась в Брюссель изучать иностранные языки, но вскоре возвратилась в Англию В 1845 году Шарлотта совершенно случайно Исполнитель Джульет Стивенсон Juliet Stevenson.  Серия: Penguin Classics.

Приключения в Берлине артикул 13488c.
Приключения в Берлине артикул 13488c.

Переводчик: К Криштоф Лорд Брэйдон, оказавшийся в Берлине с тайной миссией британской разведки, поневоле отправляется в роскошный притон разврата - и с изумлением обнаруживает ожблм там свою юную попутчицу Лоилию, похищенную, одурманенную наркотиками! Как истинный джентльмен Брэйдонспасает красавицу, еще не подозревая ни о том, что этот благородный поступок толкает его в водоворот опасных приключений, ни о том, что в Лоилии обретет свою истинную любовь… Автор Барбара Картленд Barbara Cartland Писательница, занесенная в Книгу рекордов Гиннесса как самый преуспевающий английский автор, родилась 9 июля 1901г К сегодняшнему дню она написала 662 книги, разошедшиеся в количестве свыше 650 миллионов экземпляров Ее первый роман "Пила,.  Серия: БК.

Принц для Золушки артикул 13490c.
Принц для Золушки артикул 13490c.

Переводчик: Елена Любимова Доведенный до отчаяния наследник знатного, но обнищавшего рода Джереми Форд решается выйти на большую дорогу, чтобы хоть как - то поправить свои ожблр дела Его сестра Мариота, беспокоясь за брата, готова ему помочь Их авантюра завершается успехом, но девушкавыстрелом из пистолета случайно ранит незнакомого всадника Они привозят раненого в поместье, чтобы ухаживать за ним, и тут узнают, что это сам граф Бэкингем Автор Барбара Картленд Barbara Cartland Писательница, занесенная в Книгу рекордов Гиннесса как самый преуспевающий английский автор, родилась 9 июля 1901г К сегодняшнему дню она написала 662 книги, разошедшиеся в количестве свыше 650 миллионов экземпляров Ее первый роман "Пила,.  Издательство: Эксмо-Пресс Мягкая обложка, 272 стр ISBN 5-04-003897-6 Тираж: 10000 экз Формат: 84x104/32 (~220x240 мм).

Food: Level 1 артикул 13492c.
Food: Level 1 артикул 13492c.

Художник: R C Prakash "Read it Yourself" is a series of graded readers designed to give young children a confident and successful start to reading Level 1 is suitable for children who are making their first attempts at reading The books are written in a very simple way using a small number of frequently repeated words The sentences ожблч on each page are closely supported by pictures to help with reading, and offer lively details to talk about About this book: The opening pages show why we eat and where we get our food from Each page starts with a repetitive phrase to help beginner readers to start the sentence confidently Key information is labelled on every spread to support new vocabulary and understanding Try using the last spread to talk about what the reader has learnt Try using the picture index at the back of the book We use an index to help us find the page of the topic we are interested in Beginner readers need plenty of help and encouragement Формат: 11,5 см x 17,5 см.  Серия: Read it Yourself.

The Price of Smoking артикул 13494c.
The Price of Smoking артикул 13494c.

Book DescriptionWhat does a pack of cigarettes cost a smoker, the smoker's family, and society? This longitudinal study on the private and social costs of smoking calculates that the cost of smoking to a 24-year-old woman smoker is $86,000 over a lifetime; for a 24-year-old male smoker the cost is $183,000 The total social cost of smoking over a lifetime ожбме -- including both private costs to the smoker and costs imposed on others (including second-hand smoke and costs of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security) -- comes to $106,000 for a woman and $220,00 for a man The cost per pack over a lifetime of smoking: almost $40 00 The first study to quantify the cost of smoking in this way, or in such depth, this accessible book not only adds a weapon to the arsenal of antismoking messages but also provides a framework for assessment that can be applied to other health behaviors The findings on the effects of smoking on Medicare and Medicaid will be surprising and perhaps controversial, for the authors estimate the costs to be much lower than the damage awards being paid to 46 states as a result of the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement.  2004 г ISBN 0262195100.

Нежеланная женитьба артикул 13496c.
Нежеланная женитьба артикул 13496c.

Художник: Михаил Горняк Ни блестящий герцог Тайнмаут, ни прелестная юная Онора не желают соединять свои судьбы в браке Однако приходится подчиниться строгому приказу королевы ожбмо Виктории Каково же было изумление и возмущение Оноры, когда она понимает, что герцог намерен воспользоваться своими супружескими правами! Но в брачную ночь девушку таинственно похищают, и только супруг в силах ее спасти Автор Барбара Картленд Barbara Cartland Писательница, занесенная в Книгу рекордов Гиннесса как самый преуспевающий английский автор, родилась 9 июля 1901г К сегодняшнему дню она написала 662 книги, разошедшиеся в количестве свыше 650 миллионов экземпляров Ее первый роман "Пила,.  Издательство: АСТ Мягкая обложка, 304 стр ISBN 5-7841-0568-Х Тираж: 15000 экз Формат: 84x104/32 (~220x240 мм).

Textile Town: Spartanburg County, South Carolina артикул 13498c.
Textile Town: Spartanburg County, South Carolina артикул 13498c.

In 1816 a pair of Rhode Island brothers stopped their wagons along South Carolinas Tyger River, cleared away trees and chinquapin thickets, and began construction on a rustic spinning factory From those humble beginnings arose one of the nations mightiest textile communities, a place that by the end of the 19th century became known as "the Lowell ожбмт of the South " Over the course of nearly two centuries more than 100,000 people labored in the red brick cotton mills and modern textile factories of Spartanburg County, South Carolina Textile Town is their story One part historical narrative, one part scrapbook, one part encyclopedia, this illustrated volume presents the voices of scholars and blue-collar workers side by side in an exploration of this complex and compelling saga Working in libraries and mill villages, more than 40 writers and historiansmany of them sons, daughters, and grandchildren of textile workerscontributed to this engaging history From the great migration from the mountains in the 1880s, to the labor conflict of the 1930s, to the wartime camaraderie of the 1940s and beyond, Textile Town tells a seminal Southern story, one that readers wont soon forget.  ISBN 1891885286.

Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania артикул 13500c.
Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania артикул 13500c.

Nobody knows Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania like Lonely Planet Our 5th edition has all you need to plan a trip to these three fascinating countries - lose yourself in medieval Tallinn, test your adrenalin-sport limits in Gauja National Park, or party with the locals in festival-heavy Vilnius Lonely Planet guides are written by experts who get to ожбмф the heart of every destination they visit This fully updated edition is packed with accurate, practical and honest advice, designed to give you the information you need to make the most of your trip Формат: 13 см x 19,5 см 5 edition Автор Carolyn Bain.  Издательство: Lonely Planet Publications, 2009 г Мягкая обложка, 456 стр ISBN 978-1-74104-770-7 Язык: Английский Цветные иллюстрации.

Visualizing Ideas: From Scribbles to Storyboards артикул 13502c.
Visualizing Ideas: From Scribbles to Storyboards артикул 13502c.

Visualizing and presenting your ideas convincingly is an indispensable part of day-to-day design, even in our age of digital design processes No presentation is complete without layouts, storyboards or spontaneous sketches, often crucial to the outcome No computer software, however good it is, can replace the non-computerized marker! In ожбмш this book, Gregor Krisztian and Nesrin Schlempp-Ulker explore and explain basic layout techniques, giving expert tips and demonstrating useful tricks employed by professionals They show you how to present your ideas quickly and effectively, illustrating all stages of work with clear examples from teaching and practice This will be an indispensable reference work for all professional designers and students - indeed, for anyone who wishes to present their ideas successfully and skilfully Формат: 23 см x 29 cм Иллюстрации Авторы Nesrin Schlempp-Ulker Gregor Krisztian.  Издательства: Thames and Hudson, Verlag Hermann Schmidt Mainz, 2004 г Мягкая обложка, 204 стр ISBN 0-500-28612-4 Язык: Английский Цветные иллюстрации.

Belgium & Luxembourg артикул 13504c.
Belgium & Luxembourg артикул 13504c.

Stir the pot of Europe, and Belgium's not likely to bubble up in your face This slow-cooker has spent centuries simmering on the back burner, producing more history, art, architecture and food than many of its big, louder neighbours, and all that without boiling over This, after all, is a nation that doesn't like to boast Smack in the middle of Western ожбнб Europe and bypassed by all but warring armies of the past, Belgie to the Flemish and La Belgique to the nation's French speakers is an eccentric place that takes time to know Granted, you won't be texting on arrival about Flanders' flat landscape or all those little red-brick houses But hang around awhile, taste some Trappist beers, indulge in the nation's passion for food and this intimate country will seduce Формат: 13 см x 20 см 3 edition Авторы Leanne Logan Geert Cole.  Издательство: Lonely Planet Publications, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 352 стр ISBN 978-1-74104-237-5 Язык: Английский Цветные иллюстрации.

Cracking the LSAT, 2008 Edition артикул 13506c.
Cracking the LSAT, 2008 Edition артикул 13506c.

Cracking the LSAT brings you proven techniques from the test prep experts! The 2008 edition includes 2 full-length practice tests in the book and exclusive free access to another practice exam and further review online In Cracking the LSAT, we’ll teach you how to think like the test writers and ·Master specific strategies for answering every ожбнз question type ·Solve even the toughest questions in Arguments, Reading Comprehension, and Games ·Get the most out of your prep time with the study plan that’s right for you ·Practice online with a full-length LSAT practice test We give you plenty of practice problems to help you master our proven techniques Our practice questions are just like those you’ll see on the real LSAT—but with detailed answers and explanations for every question.  Издательство: Princeton Review, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 560 стр ISBN 037576612X.

The Economies of Central City Neighborhoods артикул 13508c.
The Economies of Central City Neighborhoods артикул 13508c.

This is the first book of its kind to explore central city neighborhood economic structure in relation to demographic, socioeconomic, labor force, and housing variables In The Economies of Central City Neighborhoods Bingham and Zhang examine the location of industry employment in a variety of producer and consumer-oriented industries in relation ожбнр to major neighborhood characteristics such as demographic, labor force, socioeconomic, and housing variables This study is informative and illuminating to central city revitalization/redevelopment planning and related efforts that often take place at the neighborhood level In The Economies of Central City Neighborhoods Bingham and Zhang examine the location of industry employment in a variety of producer and consumer-oriented industries in relation to major neighborhood characteristics such as demographic, labor force, socioeconomic, and housing variables While the primacy of poverty is an aspect of central city neighborhoods that drives the growth and decline of neighborhood economies, it implies the significance of effective intervention at early stages of neighborhood economic disintegration Neighborhood cluster of industries suggests a direction of neighborhood redevelopment, and the pervasive spill-overeffects of this necessitate the coordination among redevelopment initiatives of bordering neighborhoods The research in this text contributes to the urban literature by providing an industry-by-industry analysis of the economies of central city sub-areas in Ohio This study is informative and illuminating to central city revitalization/redevelopment planning and related efforts that often take place at the neighborhood level.  ISBN 0813397715.

Moscow 1941: A City and Its People at War артикул 13510c.
Moscow 1941: A City and Its People at War артикул 13510c.

During the first half of 1941 Moscow and its people were living in relative peace in a world of war In spite of the horrors of Stalinism many ordinary people managed to find their own ways of enjoying themselves, and when war surprised a country unprepared, thanks to Stalin's obduracy, most rose with enthusiasm to defend their country and their city ожбнъ One of the points of the book is to try and show how people find a kind of normality even in the hardest of circumstances On the 22 June the Nazi armies invaded and raced across the country By the end of the year they were held, finally, in the suburbs of Moscow Based on huge research and scores of interviews, this book offers an unforgettable and richly illustrated narrative of the military action; telling portraits of Stalin and his generals, some apparatchiks, some great commanders It also traces the stories of individuals, soldiers, politicians and intellectuals, writers and artists and dancers, workers, schoolchildren and peasants The war remains a highly emotional matter for Russia and there are troubling questions like the role of Stalin or the appalling cost of victory The book concludes with reflections on these issues Формат: 16 см x 24 см Автор Родрик Брейтвейт Rodric Braithwaite.  Издательство: Profile Books, 2006 г Суперобложка, 496 стр ISBN 1 86197 759 X, 978 1 86197 759 5 Язык: Английский.

Financial Crises in Emerging Markets: An Essay on Financial Globalisation and Fragility (Henry L Stimson Lectures, 2000) артикул 13512c.
Financial Crises in Emerging Markets: An Essay on Financial Globalisation and Fragility (Henry L Stimson Lectures, 2000) артикул 13512c.

In this book eminent international banking expert Alexandre Lamfalussy grapples with issues that surround the trend toward financial globalization and its potential impact on financial fragility He analyzes four recent crisis experiences in emerging markets-in Russia, Latin America, Mexico, and East Asia-and offers a series of carefully ожбню considered, pragmatic policy recommendations "Drawing on intimate personal experience and a deep well of common sense, Lamfalussy provides a compact but thorough account of debt and currency crises in the 1980s and 1990s His proposals for crisis prevention and management are bold without being unrealistic The Henry L Stimson Lectures.  ISBN 0300082304.

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